Siberian Husky - Jack - Medium - Adult - Male - Dog | Boyertown

Price:Please Contact; Address:All E-PA, NJ, DE and MD, Boyertown, PA 19512 (map); Date Posted:07/17/12; Age:Senior; Gender:Male; Offered by:Shelter; Description: Siberian Husky - Foxer - Medium - Senior - Male - Dog ... at to submit an online application if you are interested in meeting Foxer. Due to the Siberian Husky's High Prey Drive, we DO NOT recommend placing them in homes with cats or other smaller pets. CHARACTERISTICS: Breed: Siberian Husky ...
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1 Above Siberian Cats

Post navigation. ← White Cat Breeds · Animal Shelters in NJ → · Large Siberian Cat. Posted on May 25, 2012 by Michael. Large Siberian Cat. by Laura (Grand Rapids, MI). I have a 19.4 lb Siberian. The vet gave me a major chewing out that I was miss treating my cat by over feeding him. We give him 1/4 cup of quality food twice a day. He eats it instantly and always wants more. No table scraps. He is active and as curious as all get out. We love our cat. He's just a big, big boy.
Large Siberian Cat | Pictures of Cats

Price:Please Contact; Address:All E-PA, NJ, DE and MD, Boyertown, PA 19512 (map); Date Posted:07/17/12; Age:Adult; Gender:Male; Offered by:Shelter; Description: Siberian Husky - Jack - Medium - Adult - Male - Dog ... website at to submit an online application if you are interested in meeting Jack. Due to the Siberian Husky's High Prey Drive, we DO NOT recommend placing them in homes with cats or other smaller pets. CHARACTERISTICS: Breed: Siberian Husky ...
siberian cat breeders nj