Egyptian Mau Cat Spanking | Pictures of Cats

A breed of cat as old as recorded history, the Egyptian Mau ('Mau' means 'cat' in Egyptian) can be seen in the artwork of the ancient Egyptians. It is thought that Egyptian Maus are descended from species of the African Wild ...
black egyptian mau cat

Smoke Egyptian Mau
Smoke Egyptian Mau


Egyptian Mau is the oldest
Egyptian Mau is the oldest

Egyptian Mau Pictures and
Egyptian Mau Pictures and

Egyptian Mau Cat Breed Profile
Egyptian Mau Cat Breed Profile

Egyptian Mau Cat Angry
Egyptian Mau Cat Angry

Egyptian Mau Cat | Cat Breeds | Petfinder. While fanciers might at first be attracted to the Egyptian Mau's beautiful spotted coat, most become enthusiasts because of the breed's temperament and personality. Maus ...
cat breed pictures: egyptian maus

Egyptian Mau Cat Spanking. by d100965 (Essex). I have 2 Egyptian Maus and I love videoing their antics. They take showers, get vacuumed and run on the treadmill. Plus they both love what those that know call "Cat spanking" or "Cat bongo-ing". Check out my videos by typing d100965 into youtubes searchbox or ... I'll add another if you like. But please leave them on YouTube indefinitely. Sometimes videos get removed from YouTube and that leaves a black screen on my site!
black egyptian mau cat