The Balinese cat actually resulted from genetic abnormalities of the traditional Siamese cat. In the early 1900's, those who found abnormally long-haired kittens in their Siamese litters would consider these kittens to be rejects ... balinese ...
traditional balinese cat breeders
or Apple Head Siamese Cats
Traditional Siamese cat
These cats also have prominent
Siamese Kittens
Siamese Cats (Traditional
It is interesting to note that out of one cat breed (the Siamese) four have been developed. The Traditional Siamese (the "Thai" under TICA), the Modern Siamese (called the "Siamese" in the cat fancy), the Balinese (medium ...
Balinese Cat History | Pictures of Cats
Balinese Cats [Link] This page is about traditional Balinese cats, a page written by Marie Clements a breeder of traditional Balinese and Siamese cats. Balinese cat history [Link] This is a narrative version of the above tabled ...
traditional balinese cat breeders