difference between cornish rex and devon rex

The Cornish Rex had curled

Devon rex cats are a breed

Cornish Rex

(1) Cornish rex - sloping

(1) Cornish rex - sloping

(1) Cornish rex - long face,
For that reason it is not recommended to breed a Canadian Sphynx with a different breed that does not carry the gene, I've seen horrible outcrosses and mutations of mixed Canadian Sphynxes (Mixing with a Devon\Cornish Rex is usually safe ...
Difference between Canadian Sphynx, Don Sphynx and Peterbald?
Right from when I fostered them at 2 days old (with their mom) I noticed there was a huge difference between the smallest and the second smallest when compared with the two largest. The difference became even more apparent as they grew (they are now 7 weeks). First of all the largest 2 are ... I'm wondering if a Devon or Cornish Rex has had a sneaky go at mom? Is it possible for a litter to be fathered by 2 separate toms? Or is it that he is just the smallest? I think I could accept that ...
difference between cornish rex and devon rex