Superfecundation in Cats | Pictures of Cats

Other Rex cats are the Selkirk Rex and the LaPerm. You can read a bit about the Tennessee Rex as well (this is a submission by a visitor to this site). The Devon has a substantial amount of Cornish Rex ancestry due to the ...
difference between cornish rex and devon rex

The Cornish Rex had curled
The Cornish Rex had curled

Devon rex cats are a breed
Devon rex cats are a breed

Cornish Rex
Cornish Rex

(1) Cornish rex - sloping
(1) Cornish rex - sloping

(1) Cornish rex - sloping
(1) Cornish rex - sloping

(1) Cornish rex - long face,
(1) Cornish rex - long face,

For that reason it is not recommended to breed a Canadian Sphynx with a different breed that does not carry the gene, I've seen horrible outcrosses and mutations of mixed Canadian Sphynxes (Mixing with a Devon\Cornish Rex is usually safe ...
Difference between Canadian Sphynx, Don Sphynx and Peterbald?

Right from when I fostered them at 2 days old (with their mom) I noticed there was a huge difference between the smallest and the second smallest when compared with the two largest. The difference became even more apparent as they grew (they are now 7 weeks). First of all the largest 2 are ... I'm wondering if a Devon or Cornish Rex has had a sneaky go at mom? Is it possible for a litter to be fathered by 2 separate toms? Or is it that he is just the smallest? I think I could accept that ...
difference between cornish rex and devon rex