Her tail is more fluffy and black, like Somalis. I don't know if she is mixed Somali or not. (sorry about my ... Your photograph shows a cat that is a tabby cat with tabby marking only on the head and tail. There is white on the muzzle and the chin. ... That is not far from Greece and it is not impossible to suppose that Abyssinian type cats migrated (or were imported) to Greece and the recessive long hair mutation turned them into Somalis. So in short this cat is probably a Somali look-a-like ...
abyssinian tabby cat mix
can see, the poor cat .
Fiona: Abyssinian/orange tabby
Abyssinian. Topics: Tabby cat
Abyssinian, Tabby - Grey [Mix]
Abyssinian Tabby. These cats
I adopted Oprah when she was 3 months old and the lady at the shelter told me they had some "maine coon kittens in" but on her vet sheets it says "domestic MH tabby". I am curious if she is a Maine Coon or a mix….she has ...
Is my cat Oprah a Maine Coon? | Pictures of Cats
The Abyssinian cat is a tabby cat without (almost) the usual tabby markings. The cat's "polygenes" leave tabby markings on the head and tail. Abyssinian cats are active, some might describe it differently, inquisitive and like to ...
abyssinian tabby cat mix