The Balinese cat actually resulted from genetic abnormalities of the traditional Siamese cat. In the early 1900's, those who found abnormally long-haired kittens in their Siamese litters would consider these kittens to be rejects ... balinese ...
balinese cat breed
Originally the Balinese cat
Breeds 71 Balinese Cat
Balinese Cat Breeds Pics
Balinese Cat Breed Profile
Balinese Cat Breed Guide:
Balinese Cat Appearance
Balinese Breeders Pictures Many new breeds came into existence through the years. One of many first pets in the world was the cat. The ancient Egyptians.
Balinese Breeders Pictures - Cool Cat Breeders
Balinese cats are similar to the Siamese in both looks and temperament, but are differentiated by their longer fur and plumed tails.
balinese cat breed