Modern Siamese Cats seem to be popular with the majority of Siamese cat breeders but is this breed popular with the public? ... The US cats are breed to greater extremes than UK modern Siamese cats3. The modern Siamese .... A cross between a Traditional Siamese or Classic Siamese cat and the Burmese cat. Snowshoe A cross between the Siamese and American Shorthair bicolor. Ocicat A combination of Siamese, Abyssinian and American Shorthair. Javanese ...
ocicat kittens for sale uk
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Ocicat Kittens For Sale
Ocicat Breeders in the UK.
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The Ocicat Club UK's Open Day Wednesday, May 18 2011. Cat show and London ... It was a good opportunity to look at the different colours of the ocicat and ocicat classic as well as meeting their breeders. We spent a couple ...
The Ocicat Club UK's Open Day « Mandix's Blog
This reminds me of a number of other breeds with similar (exotic cat) objectives some having been created by crossing different breeds of domestic cat (e.g.Toyger – to resemble a Tiger, Ocicat, Serengeti) and some by crossing wild cats with ... The condition is only concerned with American Burmese cats that are called "Contemporary Burmese" (similar to the word "modern" used for the weggie Siamese) – caveat: some extreme Burmese were exported to the UK.
ocicat kittens for sale uk