Punch Face Persians of India and Pakistan | Pictures of Cats

White Pomeranian BeeChi tangles with Himalayan kitty Mich. As usual, the cat plays defense, swatting away the dog. When pesky Pomeranian BeeChi gets bored of the attack she chases her tail a bit at around :36.
white balinese cat

red point balinese cat
red point balinese cat

blue-eyed white Balinese male
blue-eyed white Balinese male

balinese cat, GC Sacchidanand
balinese cat, GC Sacchidanand

The Balinese cat has a slender
The Balinese cat has a slender

Balinese cat, 1 year old, scratching in front of white background Stock
Balinese cat, 1 year old, scratching in front of white background Stock

Are Traditional Balinese
Are Traditional Balinese

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Black Balinese Cat |

Why are there so many punch face Persian cats in India? The preferred color is white. The term punch face is a version of the western term, flat faced. ... Or perhaps the Oriental Shorthair or Balinese (long haired Siamese).
white balinese cat