World's longest cat! - Ohio Birds and Biodiversity

There were lots of ladies wearing cat sweatshirts, all sort of crazy breeds (including my new favorite, the Scottish fold), every cat-related product you could ever imagine and a million kittens for sale for approximately a million dollars a piece. But let's let the pictures do the talking! Are you jealous of my cat ..... The Scottish fold, Maine Coon and the Assyrian cat (beautiful rusty red and brown colors, sleek shape) are my favorites!!! I will never forget it!! 1/17/11 5:15 PM ...
maine coon cats for sale wv

To adopt, 3 maine coon kittens
To adopt, 3 maine coon kittens

Sloansville Maine Coon Kittens
Sloansville Maine Coon Kittens

Sep 19 - Philippi. Maine Coon
Sep 19 - Philippi. Maine Coon

Maine Coon - Ziggy - Large
Maine Coon - Ziggy - Large

For Sale Maine Coon kittens in
For Sale Maine Coon kittens in

Feb 15 - Grafton. Maine Coon
Feb 15 - Grafton. Maine Coon

Here are some insightful comments by Helmi and Ken Flick on living with an F1 Chausie plus a list of Chausie cat breeders. ... They are based in Kenna, West Virginia USA. (Oct 2009 – this is no longer a good link) This cattery breeds Jungle cats (the wild parent of the ... This cattery breeds Bengals, Savannahs and Maine Coons as well as Chausies (I believe). They are it seems based in Lincoln, California near Sacrmento.
Chausie cat breeders | Pictures of Cats

Stewie, a Maine Coon Cat now officially annointed as "World's Longest Cat" by the Guiness Book of World Records, is going viral on the Internet. Stewie, who hails from Reno, Nevada, is indisputably a feline whopper, at 48 and one-half inches in length. .... Incredible new insect discovered! Here's some amazing news, hot off the presses. Entomologists working in a remote and poorly known region of southeastern West Virginia have ... The yellow cardinal lives on ...
maine coon cats for sale wv