So The MaineCoon (Victoria) is getting her lion cut on Saturday

Maine Coon - Marlon - Large - Young - Male - Cat Marlon is a Cuddle Bug Disguised as a Cat I know I look silly in this lion cut, but you would no. ... Maine Coon - Marlon - Large - Young - Male - Cat - Please Contact (Wakefield) ...
maine coon lion cut

photographs of lion-cut
photographs of lion-cut

This normally very hairy Maine
This normally very hairy Maine

Our Maine Coon mutt Godzuki
Our Maine Coon mutt Godzuki

I had heard that maine coons
I had heard that maine coons

He's the biggest Maine Coon
He's the biggest Maine Coon

Freaking Out over Lion Cut
Freaking Out over Lion Cut

Happy Kitten. Join Date: Jan 2012; Posts: 40; Thanks: 6: Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post. Yes I agree with that, it does seem very similar. I am going to get him a lion cut when it is warmer and then start from fresh with him! Share ...
Mikki Moult Master - Maine Coon Cat Forum

Stop by this weekend if you're ready for cuteness OVERLOAD. I found a groomer on Damen for $75 and judging from the absofuckinglutely retarded comments these sluts leave about their ankle-biting rat-dogs, I should get a ...
maine coon lion cut