Cats in pictures, photos and videos: My Snow White is Not a British

A pet loss diary by Jacquilyn about losing Minti, her two year old black and white Norwegian Forest cat. ... He made friends very easily with the neighbourhood cats so I thought I would get him a live in friend. I would lie in bed ...
black and white norwegian forest kitten

stock photo : Norwegian Forest
stock photo : Norwegian Forest

and white Norwegian Forest
and white Norwegian Forest

Norwegian Forest Cat
Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat black
Norwegian Forest Cat black

Norwegian Forest Cat Photo
Norwegian Forest Cat Photo

MURLIN (black & white semi
MURLIN (black & white semi

Norwegian Forest Cat - Jasmine And Sierra - Medium - Adult Our names are Jasmine (black and white) and Sierra (tortoiseshell). We lost our ... Purrfect Paradise prefers to adopt our cats to families in Kansas City and surrounding areas only.
Norwegian Forest Cat - Jasmine And Sierra - Medium - Adult ...

We visited our local cats home with the intention of looking for a friend for our cat, a Seal Point Tabby, we were looking at black and white kittens, but this ball of fluff ... white norwegian forest kitten white norwegian forest cat for white Norwegian ...
black and white norwegian forest kitten