Gledwood Vol 2 (Main blog): What's really happening in Burma?

This also has led breeders to create so-called designer albino, green, granite, dwarf, leucistic, and caramel Burmese pythons. While it is not known if these mutations are the end product solely of sophisticated breeding ...
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My wonderful Burmese kittens
My wonderful Burmese kittens

Chattan Burmese
Chattan Burmese

Cat breed : Burmese cat
Cat breed : Burmese cat

CAT owner Robert Hodges woke
CAT owner Robert Hodges woke

Burmese Kittens | Burmese Cats
Burmese Kittens | Burmese Cats

Brown Burmese cat
Brown Burmese cat

Burma human rights meeting will take place at 1pm today Friday starting in Queens Park, Brisbane. Categories: World ... But there's mopre than one way to skin a cat. Governments don't ... No, it's more a G.K. Chesterton reference, to the Father Brown story in which Father Brown – definitely believing in good and bad – nevertheless points out to a questioner who asks whether the good or the bad brother was killed that there was no good brother. It's not that good or ...
John Quiggin » Burmese junta shuts off the Internet (or tries to)

Perhaps, like another key Burmese figure, Khun Sa, who ended his days in a luxury flat in Burma's capital Rangoon aka Yangon, having lived in luxury flats in Bangkok (before Thai police got on his case), as well as country estates in Laos, as well as his (adopted) home, Shan State in Burma, Burma's generals plan ..... Short film: from tapwater-clear H4 in the USA to murky black Afghan brown in Norway: "Heroin Addicts Speak" ...... You are a nice blend of cat and dog.
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